Comedy is a genre of film that centres around humour. The films are designed to entertain the audience through amusement, most often done by exaggerating characteristics of real life, for humorous effect, with films always having a happy ending. This type of film genre has been around since some of the very first silent movies, as slapstick comedy often relies on visuals, and doesn't always require sound.
One of the first comedy films I looked at was Bad Neighbours, a comedy film about the suffering of a young couple with a baby who lived nicely until the house next door turned in a fraternity house.
The poster isn't a bad poster, but its not the greatest creative achievement, but I suppose it doesn't have to be does it? As the film it is advertising isn't trying to be the next big block buster that changes the world forever, it is there to simply entertain. And so the purpose of this poster was to simply set the scene - which it does - and show the main cast of film. Seth Rogan on the left with his lady and baby, showing the family and Zac Efron to the right, with the iconic red cup that is in every american college film. This poster does the job it was created to do - advertise the film - give information about the film through imagery.
The next film was 22 Jump Street, a sequel to the first 21 Jump Street film, about two undercover cops that go back to college to find out who is dealing drugs and who the leader of this drug campaign is.
The poster, similar to the last one, sets the scene of the film, shows the two main characters in the film with their "disguise" on - the t-shirts with their "funny" slogans, representing that they are young and fun guys. The scene with the beach party going on behind all represents the 'fun party scenes of college life in American. But by having the guns (though gold) stuffed in their front jeans, implies they are still working for the police force. The colours are vibrate and stand-out, again, though this isn't a great piece of art work - it isn't trying to be - it simply there to advertise the film.
Sex Tape released this year, about a couple who make a sex tape for fun, but ends up travelling around the web via an iCloud substitute. A comedy film, that brings some laughs to the screen but its not exactly side splittingly funny.
The poster is quite funny. Showing you the two main people in the film, trying to cover up the words "Sex Tape" - the name of the film - the text is in a bold red colour against a black background, making it the center piece of the poster - the couple covering it up shows you what the film is all about - about how the couple are trying to stop you from seeing what they do not want you to see. It is quite a simple poster (maybe that is why I prefer it to the others) but again it is nothing special and isn't exciting me regarding poster design - though it clever how they have done it - it is not an obvious take on the poster they could of done. Which is a credit I guess.
Let's Be Cops, a film about two guys who dress up as cops for a fancy dress, and go the whole hog with a fake police car, only to be taken seriously, and get into a lot of police trouble. A film much about the girls as it is about the jokes, meaning it gives a more "blokey" flick vibe.
The poster is almost a screen shot of the film it self, showing you exactly what the film is about, with the tag line Fake Cops gives you the understanding that they are NOT real police men, which makes you question why they are in this particular scene - a police car, in police uniform - maybe making you want to see the film to find out what this is all about. The main focus of the poster is the police car, with two of the main cast sat in, posing funny faces, showing the film is a funny film - not to be taken seriously. Having the car as the main subject framing the characters shows that is trying to appeal to the male audiences.
Overall I think the comedy film posters are nothing to write home about. They are simply there to do its purpose - advertise the film - which all of these do. They set the scene, introduce the main cast of the film, and give you a tag line that gives you a brief idea of what the film is about. They all use photography for the main image of the poster either of the scene or the actors, mostly they are a collage of photographs.
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